Research policy and practice at Rose Bruford College is overseen and supported by the College Research Committee, which is chaired by the Director of Research and which reports to the College Academic Board.

The role of the Research Committee is to foster the development of a research culture throughout the College, and to promote, review and monitor research projects, opportunities and resources, both within the College and collaboratively with external research partners. It advises on matters relating to the learning opportunities of postgraduate research students.

The Research Ethics Committee reports to the Research Committee. It has responsibility for the consideration of moral and ethical issues relating to research in all its forms, including performance and practice-based research as well as traditional research. It is responsible for the development, maintenance and implementation of ethics policies, and for considering individual ethics applications.

The Research Excellence Framework 2021

The Research Excellence Framework is the UK’s system for assessing the quality of research in UK higher education institutions. Further information about the REF can be found on the REF 2021 website.

Rose Bruford College made its submission to the Research Excellence Framework at the end of March 2021, along with over 150 other higher education institutions across the UK. The submission consisted of the work of 11 members of academic staff with significant responsibility for research, including 22 published research outputs, two case studies setting out examples of where research conducted at the College has had a material impact outside of the academic environment, and a statement describing the research environment at the College. The published work included books, book chapters, journal articles and practice-based research outputs.

College preparations took place in line with a Code of Practice designed to ensure that preparations were fair and took account of circumstances and equality and diversity matters.

We are pleased to note that the results demonstrate several positive comparisons between 2021 results and 2014 results, and overall they show consolidation and some progress from 2014. The proportion of 4* quality elements doubled from 7% in 2014 to 14% in 2021, and the overall ‘grade point average’ improved. (This is an overall score for submissions based on the proportion of work at each of the * levels averaged across the different levels). 87% of the submission was classified as internationally recognised or above.

We are particularly pleased that over one in five of the publications submitted by the College to REF2021 were categorised as of world-class quality.

As a teaching intensive organisation with a small but growing research portfolio, we are pleased that the results show a positive trajectory which bodes well for the future. Our research, alongside our faculty’s performances, artworks and teaching innovations, make Bruford a truly exciting place to work, study and grow. The continuing development of research at the College is a key element of the College’s Strategic Plan, and we are working towards an exciting, diverse and sustainable research culture.

If you have any queries, please email [email protected].

Research Integrity

The College is committed to promoting the highest standards of integrity in the conduct of all research undertaken within the auspices of the institution, and to supporting a research environment that is underpinned by a culture of integrity and based on good governance, best practice and supported by the development of researchers. This is our Policy on research integrity and ethics.

We support the principles of the UK Concordat to Support Research Integrity, and the UK Research Integrity Office Code of Practice for Research.

We are pleased to be subscribers to the UK Research Integrity Office from Autumn 2023.

Get in contact

In accordance with the Concordat to support Research Integrity, the senior member of academic staff responsible for the oversight of research integrity at Rose Bruford College of Theatre and Performance is Professor Steve Farrier, Director of Research, [email protected].

The Chair of the Research Ethics Committee is Dr Nick Hunt, [email protected].

The named member of staff who is the first point of contact for anyone wanting more information on matters of research integrity is Nicola Sainsbury, the Research Manager, [email protected]. Nicola is also the named point of contact for confidential liaison for whistle-blowers or any other person wishing to raise concerns about the integrity of research being conducted under the auspices of the College.

Annual Statement

The College’s annual research integrity statement for the period January 2022-July 2023 can be found here.

The previous annual statement for 2021 can be found here.

Research Ethics

It is a College requirement that research involving human participants, which is carried out by staff or students of the College, or within the geographical boundaries of the College is subject to appropriate ethical scrutiny. Academic staff members and visiting research staff who are embarking on research projects should review the flow chart here (College login required) and complete this application form if necessary. Please contact the research ethics office at [email protected] for further information. External researchers wishing to conduct research at the College should also use this address to enquire further.

Students on doctoral degree programmes are registered with the University of East London and applications for ethical approval should be submitted in accordance with their policy and practice.

Undergraduate and taught postgraduate students should contact their course leader in the first instance.

Research misconduct

The College takes concerns or allegations of research misconduct raised very seriously. Anyone with concerns of this nature should contact either of the two individuals named above in the first instance. The College has a procedure for the investigation and resolution of allegations of research misconduct.


Rose Bruford College is a subscriber to the UK Research Integrity Office.